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Final Step for Unification  Are_yo10

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Final Step for Unification  Are_yo10

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 Final Step for Unification

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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyMon Jun 20, 2011 11:49 pm

Unification, that was a big word. Well, in this case it was used for the final act of taking the third and final province, thus establishing a great nation. Indeed, two brave men boldly set up on a journey to untie the three small provinces, creating something great and awesome. A person who once was a member of this particular village was leading the way till the depths of the ocean, traveling through the bottom floor, reaching Ocean from bellow using passageways where the ground was the softest and easiest for traveling. In a matter of moments, the brave duo finally reached their destination. A hole appeared in the middle of the main square where the artificial park was located and from where the best view over the entire village was. From this hole, a man jumped out, a man who already prepared a Replacement technique beforehand, before he emerged and decided to take over this odd and peaceful place. From that hole, passing besides a tree on which he planted a tag of some kind, going up and then going down, the young man reached a rooftop seven meters away from the tree and two meters away from the hole. He landed on it firmly, taking his cool pose. "Greetings people of the Ocean village, it is time for your village and land to join together with two other lands and unite into a great nation, one which would surpass everything else. The two other nations have already been taken, now, its time for the final act."
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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 4:09 am


just going to ask but didn't the leviathan crush the village??
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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 4:15 am

OOC: No, he was stopped.
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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 6:52 am

yes he was but just
I thought the people would not have time to rebuild??
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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 9:12 pm

As he had done at the land of waves, he rose from the opening on the ocean floor like a demonic presence, chakra blazing so that everyone in a ten block radius could understand his presence. Many held their breath, few pissed their pants, and the rest attempted to take up arms. But the moment he drew the blade Kusanagi from its sheathe, lightning cackling along its length, silence replaced the sounds of motion. Everything fell still. Absolute calm. Once again, as he had done back at the land of waves, he used the body flicker technique to almost instantaneously cover the distance between himself and his companion who now stood upon a roof top, appearing casually next to him as if it was no special occurrence for a man to move with such untraceable speeds. Even the sound of his feet tapping against the wooden roof were a mere whisper despite the deafening silence that had settled o'er the village. A distant buzz could be heard from the periphery of the dome, where masses went about their daily routine blissfully unaware of the calamity that would shake their very foundations. Though he supposed it to be of no harm to let them remain in their ignorant state for now. Word of mouth would soon tell tale of what had transpired at town square that day. But, for then, the silence was of no consequence.

It was Kazan who first broke the tranquility, the crowd reacting to his words with a collective gasp. Many voices could be heard buzzing among them, all soft whispers, though some audible even at their distance. "Could it truly be?". "Has Dante-sama fallen?". "Is he really are new ruler?". So many questions, none of which he had any intention of answering. Rather why was it that they were so concerned about this man to begin with. He had not come here with the intention to kill or to rule as an oppressor. It was a mission to consolidate the three fragmented lands of the west into one, great, kingdom. Why was there a need to fear someone like that? But he was never one to understand the human condition. If not by compliance, he would rule by fear. Though he had his own doubts that the need would arise.

"KUMBAYA!" he said in loud voice that could be heard across the central area of the dome, which had been repaired over the past few weeks after an attack by one of the mythical beasts, the bijuu. How had he known of the attack? Well, lets just say his intelligence network was not limited by something as petty as tons of ocean water. That and a panicking civilian who had barely managed to escape was running around screaming something about a giant beast breaking through the dome. Then the same man was seen returning at a later date, and upon conducting inquiries, he had found that the dome had been repaired. Though how it concerned him, he was not sure. But it was good that he did not have to concern himself with repairs to a dome he had no idea off. Returning to the present.

"As my associate... person, has already explained... we're taking over shit and all that. The three lands that independently constitute the western theater will be brought together under our rule. Now get back on with your lives. We got shit to take care off."

With that said, he casually walked off the edge of the building landing with a soft tap on the pavement, walking through the crowd that parted before him to the tallest structure in the middle of the village, the official residence of the Kage.
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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 4:09 pm

Noticing the appearance of his companion, it calmed the soul of the young black haired man. He was quite excited. It wasn't because after three year he had finally returned to his hometown, it was because now he returned as a new man, someone who they all had to accept. Calmly, he stud there, listening, waiting. When his buddy was done, he took out a mask and a coat, placing them on. Now, he looked like some ANBU fellow. Quickly, he jumped off the roof using the same trajectory from before, while at the same time pulling off the tag. In a matter of seconds he was back in the tunnel, going somewhere.

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Male TP : 3
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Final Step for Unification  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Step for Unification    Final Step for Unification  EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 2:12 am

[I forgot to add exit to my last post. Consider this as adding it now.]
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