Name: Ultraviolet Fist
Clan: Caelum Clan
Element: Light
Appearance Skin turns crimson red due to the absorption or distribution of ultraviolet rays that fuel the jutsu.
Description: Clan members absorb ultraviolet radiation into the body and circulates it through without bearing any ill effects with the amount of radiation in the body. Using the ultraviolet radiation that is within they can cause damage to other people on the molecular level by touching or hitting them. The skin when penetrated by the rays turn red from the damage to the cells and soon begins to become immobile. If the opponent absorbs too much radiation into their body with hits then they shall experience radiation poisoning. After one post the area touched turns red and begins to burn immensely. After two posts the area then becomes immobile from the damage to the cells within the arm. After three posts the radiation seeps into the bones making them brittle and prone to breaking easily. After four posts the blood then becomes affected which spreads the poisoning through the body. After five posts the opponent will begin to experience a fever of 120 degrees. After six posts the opponent's hair will begin to fall out in large tufts from the radiation that destroys their body from within. At the seventh post the heart which is now thoroughly affected by the poisoned blood begins to close the valves stopping blood flow and inducing death.
Duration: Its their way of fighting can we really post a limit on this? ^__^
Cool Down: When I stop using it.